Who We Are

The River Region DSA is a democratically operated and self-organized chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. We encompass multiple counties throughout the Alabama River Region, and serve as an umbrella for members with diverse political convictions and philosophies. What unifies and defines us as an organization is a rejection of the discrimination and malicious propaganda that keeps the working class divided along the lines of race, gender identity, party affiliation, and religious tradition.

Our commitment is to democracy, to each other, and to the principled belief that ordinary working people have far more in common with one another than any of us have in common with the ruling class that exploits our division. We believe that building a better world starts with building a better community, and that building a better community requires the democratic participation of regular citizens working toward a common goal of creating a free, equitable, and humane society — governed for, of, and by We the People.

Our Work